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Pug doesnt play, lick, etc.

20 10:50:39

We bought an AKC pug (fawn) about 3 years ago.  She was right at 6 weeks old, and full of life.  After a year, she started getting lethargic and ended up having seizures repeatedly.  After taking her to the vets several times, we got her on a dose of Clavamox and Valium, which really helped out after a week.  As soon as she'd get off the meds, she'd go right back to having seizures.  After 3 months worth of solely Clavamox, we did a double shot of Clavamox and Doxycycline, which seemed to get rid of the seizures.

After all this, Sachie's not been right since.  On the antibiotics, she'd still be a little playful, chewing at shoes and such, but after the last treatment, she's just been docile.  She eats, sleeps as normal, no seizures since.  She'll get dirty ears, which we'll clean, but I've taken her to several vets that just want to chalk it up to PDE and be done.  The symptoms haven't really fit, though.  WBC has been normal through the whole ordeal.  

We'd love to have our spunky, playful Sachie back.  We even got another dog (rat terrier/papillion mix) this past year to have a playmate for her.  She doesn't play or even lick us anymore.  The only time she gets remotely animated is barking with the dogs behind us.

Do you have ANY idea what's wrong?  Vet's around here just haven't helped much.


I don't know why your vets would prescribe antibiotics for seizures.  The normal medications are Phenobarbital and Potassium Bromide.  PDE is usually fatal so I don't think that is what your pug has.

Here is a website that may be helpful:  You might want to try a raw diet.

Hope this helps!

Christine Puetz