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Adding to the family

20 10:51:47

"My husband and I and our 2 children (aged 3 and 1) currently own a Jack
Russell Pug X. She is a very sweet dog and very affectionate and loving with
everyone. She is a year old. We are currently putting her through obedience
training and once she has graduated and we are satisfied with her behavior
we are thinking of getting a second dog.

So that leads me to 2 questions I have for you. We are wondering if getting a
second dog is a smart idea and if so what breeds would be a good match.
Does this type of dog generally do well with a second canine companion? We
want something about the same size as our first. Our first is spayed and I
hear that it is best to get the opposite gender. Is this true?

Wow! You have your hands full.

Please keep in mind having two dogs will be like having two children. USUALLY they get along fine but sometimes you will get a combination that fight like crazy.

If you are set on getting another dog, I would check into Pug rescue and get one that is the opposite gender. This does not mean they will not fight but your chances are better that one will be submissive to the other. Also, please keep in mind that one "child" may be an "angel" and the other a "monster".

I would also not get a puppy. I would have the rescue find you a pug that gets along well with others. JRT are commonly very high energy, pugs are more laid back depending on their age.

Also, make sure both are spayed or neutered. This will help too.

Thanks and good luck.