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Pug that eats everything

20 10:52:11

We have a Pug / Miniature Pinscher and love to eat everything that he finds. The only thing is that he will only do this when there is only one person in the house, if both me and my girlfriend are home he is fine. Some of the things that he eats are: belts, stuffed animals, underwear, socks, plants, cords to laptops, and many more things.

Another major problem is that he has more energy than both of us. We have taken him to obedience classes which he liked but this still did not slow him down.

Can you please help me with this little monster.

My first question is how old is your pet? If it is under two years of age, it is still a puppy and puppies are chewers.  And if he is still puppy that spells energy to burn.

If he is older, it may be the minpin in him acting up. Or he could have separation anxiety when you are gone.

Thanks and good luck.