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pug puppy death

20 10:50:15

Our 3 week old pug puppy died through the night the other night.  She has 2 brothers who are as healthy as her.  We actualy thought she was the healthiest since she was the fatest.  Her back half was huge.  We just thought she was a healthy eater.  The boys were walking but she barley moved.  She however was the last born the the first to open her eyes at 1 and half weeks.  What could have been wrong?


Sorry to hear of your loss.  

It is impossible to tell exactly what when wrong without an autopsy.

It could be that there was just something wrong with her, and it finally caused her little body to give out.  Another possibility is that the mother may have laid on her.  Either way, there is nothing you could have done.

I know it is hard when it happens, but that is just a part of raising puppies.  I know from experience and it doesn't every get easier.

Christine Puetz