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Puppy constipated?

20 10:52:17

Member since: 06 September 2007
Total points: 98 (Level 1)
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Dior's Mama
S I think my puppy is constipated?
I have an 8wk old pug puppy and I think she is constipated...she hasnt pooed all day yesterday, and nothing today either...A few days she had diarrhea, and the vet told me to put her on a bland diet (boiled chicken and boiled rice), for a few days... also she started her de-wormer meds yesterday..the vet said this will give her diarrhea, but i think it has done the opposite..what should i do.. she has been sleeping a lot today ((But that could be cuz she had such a busy day yesterday, and was up half the nite whining))...she ate her food but way slower than usual...What should i do to help her poo

also.. they took a stool sample, and she was negative for giardia((sp)), an whatever else they tested for...

Contact your vet first but I would probably wait until tomorrow to get overly concerned. Then you can give her part of a TEASPOON of canned pumpkin...NOT the pumpkin pie mix. This is good for her tummy and should help her poo if she needs to.

Good luck