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Potty training 7 year old pugs?

20 10:50:55

We are considering adopting 2 seven year-old retired breeding female Pugs.
We have been informed by the breeder that they are not fully potty trained as
they are used to living in a kennel and that we will need to use a sand box for
them in the house. Is it possible to potty train Pugs at this age (so that they
only go outside) and if so what are some tips?



Pugs are smart dogs.  We have had older pugs that were not house trained go to homes and they were able to house train them.

I don't know about using a sand box.  Here, we either train the to go outside or on a potty pad.  

The most important thing to do, it to be vigilant about watching them.  Anytime you think they need to go, take them to the place you want them to learn is the right place.

You don't want to let them "learn" to go in the wrong place.  It is harder to break them than to train them.

Christine Puetz