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pug losing hair

20 10:52:42

my pug is losing hair when its given a bath.  is this normal?  she's losing pair in pathces

Hi Gus. I would love to answer your question, but I'm sorry to say that I don't have enough information about your pug to handle it. There are many reasons for hair loss in dogs that stretch from allergies to ringworms. How old is your pug? If it looks serious, I suggest taking her in to a clinic or her vet and having her checked out. Like I said, there are many possibilites, too many to list. If you give me more details, I might be able to help, but I don't want to jeopardize your pug's help. I strongly suggest just taking her in and getting to the bottom of her hair loss by someone who is more proffesionalized. Good luck, Gus!