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14yr old lab

20 9:35:36

OUr lab is 14 yrs old, she has arthritis and takes pain meds for it. she recently had thyroid cancer surgery and isn't really going back to her old happy self since then. She lays around for 8 hours at a time and then only gets up when coaxed. she has lost her voracious appetite and has lost 4 pounds in 2 weeks. She weighs 60lbs. We are giving her calcium suplmts and she is at thelow range of normal. Is it time to put her down or is there hope the surgery (3 weeks ago) was harder on her than expected and she needs extra time to get better. We don't want her to suffer. She lost her sister of 14 years 3 months ago and has also been a little depressed since as well.

This is a very difficult question.  Have you talked it over with the vet?  Does he think there is much chance of her recovering to where she would at least enjoy part of her day?  A year ago, we had a 14 year old Lab with arthritis and cancer of the jaw that interfered with eating.  I had to wet her dog food down for her to eat.  Our vet was surprised I was able to even get her to eat.  Still, she was enjoying walks and swims.  When she developed a huge tumor after turning 15, it was time.  It was too cold to swim and she didn't want to walk or eat.  I couldn't even get pills down her wrapped in peanut butter or cheese.  

If she isn't enjoying life and unlikely to improve, it is time.