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Lab is scared of everyone but us (his owners)

20 9:34:18

yes we adopted a black lab from the pound and he is very loving and playful with us but about 90% of all other people he sees he is scared of. we tried getting them to hand him treats and he will take the treats from them but then run away and eat it. we also tried showing praise to our guest and friends but nothing. he is 1 year old. if you need any more info on him let me know. i would love to get him to be friendly with everyone else. thanks

As much as I like to see people adopt dogs, unfortunately they often come with baggage.  Often undoing poor early socialization is a slow, difficult process.  The treats are a good start.  Also have people avoid eye contact or letting their teeth show in a smile.  Control your own emotions.  Dogs take their que from their owners.  Great people warmly and show the dog you trust them and are happy to have them.