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introducing puppy to 2 year oldchocolate lab

20 9:35:09

QUESTION: When i got out and leave my Chocolate year old lab and 8 week old if my pup wake up and cry for attention my older dog barks is there any way to stop this also they play fight is that normal we have only had the pup for 6 days.

ANSWER: At 8 weeks, the puppy may still need a trip outside in the middle of the night.  More likely if you aren't using a crate to restrict activity.  You should be able to let it relieve itself and then resettle them.  it should be making it through the night before too long.

As for the play fighting, let it go as long as they are having fun.  Sometimes you do have to give them a ''time out''.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: he is in  a crate during the night and he goes in there in the day when he wants to sleep i leave the door open for him to come in and out when he wants but he has had accidents in there in the night not every night,
Regarding my other dog barking when i have to go out when the puppy cries how can i stop him barking, also how old are they when they can hold there bladder longer.Many thanks.

At 8 weeks, many puppies need a middle of the night break.  You need to respond to the older dog barking and take the puppy out.  If it is too late when you wake up, you may need to set an alarm.  

I can't say how long you will have to do it.  Starting with 7 week olds, a few of them have made it overnight from the beginning.  Others took several weeks.  I do think the more recent ones where we have used a smaller crate have done better.  Restricting their activity does help.