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9 month chocolate lab on first heat

20 9:32:44

I have a 9 month old chocolate Labrador, She is very playfully and jumps and runs around the house allot. While out for walks she pulls hard and is hard to control at times. She has just come on to her first heat and is constantly scratching at the door to get out and barking. We usually take her out to a place where she can run around free off the lead but other people  also take their dogs their. Now that she is not getting her daily run around im finding it very hard to calm her in the house. Does anyone have any tips on how i can calm here and deal with it best i can? Thank you  

First off, pulling on the lead is due to not training the dog properly.  Have you considered going to obedience class with the dog?

Training would also help in controlling the bad behavior of demanding to go out while she is in heat.  Being in heat is not an excuse for the bad behavior.  You should still be able to take the dog to a park where dogs are allowed ON LEASH to walk her while she is not in her prime of her heat cycle.  

You MAY want to try training the dog in the home while you need to keep her in.  You can teach sit, stay, down.  You can teach trick like leave it or shake.  You can teach games like Hide and Seek with a cookie hidden somewhere in the house.  These things will keep her mind occupied even if she can't burn off physical energy.