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lab puppy behavior

20 9:47:51

our lab puppy is now 8 months old (female).  She seems to be progressing well in all respects except for an occasional accident in the house (rare--if somebody 'forgets' to let her out) and she is sleeping now close to ten hours straight.
I have a behavior question.  There is something new she is exhibiting that I wonder if it is just a sign of dominance or play.  She will run up to me (pack leader); not so much my husband or kids, and paw at me a LOT until I either get tired of being clawed or get up and walk away.  Is she trying to tell me that she wants to play? or is she exhibiting an attempt at dominance.  While I'm at it, sometimes, when she's just lying by me on the couch, she'll just place a paw on my lap..not pawing, just putting a paw there. I was told never to let a pup do that because they're trying to be dominant over you.  Any help?

This is a bit of a tough one.  If you love your dog, it is hard to resist when it solicits attention.  However, always giving in, does erode your position as top dog.  I think as long as you show dominance in other ways, you can indulge her at times.  

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