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Running with my 8 month old chocolate lab

20 9:38:45

I would like to include my dog on my runs, but not sure how far to run with her
or how to increase her mileage.  I would only take her on 3-4 mile runs,
combination of street/trails.  She's always eager and a great partner, but I don't
want to push her puppy bones too fast.

I am afraid it would be better to put off until next summer.  At 8 months their joints are still developing and sustained high impact activity such as running, could damage them.

Keep her lean, see  Switching to an adult chow for the larger breeds early, slows growth and helps develop sturdier joints.  If you are still feeding a puppy chow, make your next bag the adult version of the same thing and work it in until after a week you are feeding all adult chow.