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Lab Puppy Eye Color

20 9:33:32


Yellow Puppy
We are looking at buying a 5 1/2 week old yellow lab puppy with light eyes.  We are wondering if it is likely that his eyes will turn brown as he ages, as there are some types of yellow labs who have lighter eyes for their whole life.  Do you know if it is possible to tell if the eye color will change?

You aren't going to take him home at 5 1/2 weeks, right?  You are just buying him and then he'll stay with the breeder until 8 week?  

From the photo, the dog is what is called a "Dudley".  It's the coloration that is a disqualification in the Labrador standard.  Color doesn't matter for a great pet though.  

A quick lesson on lab colors.  Black is dominant, chocolate recessive, yellow is the hair shaft missing color.  So with yellow you can have the black pigment with yellow fur or chocolate pigment with yellow fur.  A Dudley the chocolate pigment with yellow fur.  

These dogs will have the chocolate (sometimes it looks pinkish) pad, lips, gums, eye rims, with greenish eyes as puppies.  Typically with eyes, the lighter they are as a puppy, the lighter they will be as an adult.  If you are seeing light now, it will change to a goldish/amber color.  But you will never get the tradition deep brown.