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Black Labradors

20 9:49:37

Is there such a thing as a "small" black lab? Say in the 40 - 45 lb area?  We've always had black labs and they are the most wonderful pet, but we'd like to see if it's possible to get a small one?  If not, are you aware of a breed that would be comparable to the lab?
Thank you,

Dear Lynn,

THere are no toy breeds of labs, but what you can always do is go to a local pound and adopt a mutt thats part lab and another small breed, I had a lab border collie mix, she was around 45-57 pounds I cant remeber exactly. So try that out, and if not, my friend has been having cocker spaniels for awhile their great with kids, and are about the size your looknig for. Tell me how it goes and Good luck!