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newdog and fence question

20 9:41:31

I have a couple of question the first one is that i have a lab that is just over labs and just over months old now I have a fence in my back yard that is exactly 3 foot high. My dog does not really jump much but do you think it would able to jump a fence that high when adult or want to?

Another question is that my girlfriend who lives with me wants to get another dog but she definitely wants a toy one now I am not worried about how my dog would react to another dog  but slightly worried I may get a dog that barks or bites my very docile Labrador. We were looking at pomierians don't know if there is any toy dog that has great temperament and also wondered if it would be worth taking my dog to meet any potential future dog companion?

Hello, Yes the labrador can jump over that fence when my 3 year old female gets going running the fence if she sees a cat/dog/sqierl/person whatever she will jump so high her head goes over my 5 1/2 foot fence so Yes deffinityl the dog could make it over or a large stray could make it in as well. As for toys I don't ever reccomend a toy dog with a large breed dog like a labrador for safety reasons they will try to play but the lab will step on the toy and injure or kill can be snappy if it gets aggressive with teh lab who do you think will win? You would do best with a 15 to 20 pound small breed that isnt so breakable.

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