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12 year old lab eating bowel movements

20 9:41:21

I'm serious--he used to only eat the cat poop outside when he found it--we have three cats. Now he is also eating his own, and this is causing diarrhea.  Every 2-3 days he has accidents in  the house.  We are now feeding him outside, keeping him on a lead all the time.  I am contemplating a muzzle for our walks when he does the usual dog smelling in the grass, and then grabs a mouthful. We are disguste, have scolded him, etc.  He also has Addison's disease, so is on Prednizone.  Also has had worms but has recently been treated for that (2 mo. ago).  Am planning to take in a sample to the vet tomorrow but am searching for answers. Don't want to put him down, is healthy except for addison's and arthritis.  Help!  Betsy

Hello...I would Never have suggested putting the dog down even if he is 12 years old! There are some pills/powders you can add to his daily diet to stop him eatting his own fecal matter avalilbe at magor petstores and often vets can reccomend a brand or sell it themselfs. Check his diet is there maybe something thats lacking?. You canalso get a pepper shaker full of black powder and load up his poop with it(sprinkel heavily over top) after he goes thenif he should ty to eat it will willsoon be sneezing and wontwant to eat it. Viniger in a spray bottle pure should help the same thing as what you do with the pepper. Keep him on a4 foot lead during walks you can watch where he is going easily and pull him up or back apon seeing dog poop...I don't let my dogsstop during or walks because of who knows what is hiding inteh grass(food/poop ect ect) . Hope this helps.