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Travel anxiety

20 9:43:50

I have a yellow female lab. She is 10 weeks old. When I am away on a weekend, I prefer to drop her off at my mother's place. She seems to be very anxious during the travel time. I place her on my lap while seated in the car and she seems to be too anxious to be on the seat or down. The only reason I dont let her go is that she then urinates inside the car. I really wish to put her down and also get her rid of her habit of urinating inside the car. I make sure she has releived herself before leaving the house.

She has travelled over 4 times in the car and still does not seem to have adjusted herself well.

Could you please help?


I would pick up a small plastic crate and secure it in the back.  Perhaps add a Kong filled with peanut butter.  Start with just sitting in the car with her.  It is very important to work with her now.  You might try shorter trips too, maybe just around the block.