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Lab Crate

20 9:38:31

I know you've answered a crate question before, but it didn't answer the question I have.  I have an 18 week old yellow Lab.  The vet thinks she will be a medium size lab.  Regardless of that could you tell me how much room a lab should have in his crate.  When he is an adult should he be able to stand freely in her crate.  Her crate now at 18 week old has approximately 6 or 7 inches from her body to the top of the crate.  Thank you!

I don't think it is absolutely necessary for a dog to be able to stand completely erect with its head up in a crate.  If you ever expect it to travel by air, the airlines do think so.  The standard large sized plastic crate is 26'' high.  That might be fine for the average Lab to sleep in, but not quite high enough to suit the airlines.  If you think you may need a larger crate, I would wait another couple of months and see how big she is then.  Their rate of growth slows down after 6 months.