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Angry Eater

20 9:47:58

I have a 6 month old yellow lab. He is normally a pretty decent eater but here lately i switched his food. Now when i feed him he will not eat but instead he pushes his food bowl with his nose trying to turn it over. This is also accompanied by whimpering sounds. Even after the food is on the ground he will scatter it about with his nose and then it looks as if he piles it back up to do it all over again. Even when he doesn't turn his bowl over he routs through it with his nose as if he is searching for something. Most of his food still winds up on the ground no matter what method he chooses. He really acts as if he is angry at his food or food bowl. Sometimes he just stares at his food bowl after i put food in it. He very rarely gets people food and the food i am feeding him now is Purina Pro Plan for large dogs. I am really curious as to what is causing this behavior. Thanks.

Hello Rob and thank you for your question,

This is very comman among dogs of all kinds and ages. Swiiching foods is complicated sometimes. Did you mix his old food with his new for a few days? It is higly reccomended to avoid tummy upsets and to get him to acctually eat the new food if he's very picky. He is simply rebelling and he wants something better thats all it is, once he is hungray enough he will eat it. My friends lab/golden ret cross does this all the time as she is so picky he cannot find a food she will eat once he puts it down he is currently mixing two food brand and rarely she will eat in the morning and normaly eats only late at night. Nosing through the food is him lookngi for his old food and the same when turning over the bowl he is searching for the "good stuff" that is hopfully underneith his new food or under the bowl lol. If you leave the food he will eat it though, thts what my friend does, other then that I'm not sure what to tell you, sor
ry I couldnt be of more help, if you need anything else feel free to ask though.