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Need opinion about my Labrador Retriever

20 9:37:27

Coco (Labrador Retriever)
Coco (Labrador Retriev  
QUESTION: I have purchased a Labrador puppy recently. Now he is 8 weeks old and weight 6 kg. I need some expert's opinion about his purity and health from his picture. Will he be able to perticipate in show in future ?

ANSWER: While your pup sure looks cute and like a purebred labrador from the photo you attached, that's about all you can determine from this photo.  

When your purchased your labrador from the breeder, they should have provided you with pedigree papers to verify his "purity" as a purebred labrador.

As far as health, your vet will be your source for if your dog is healthy.

As far as show potential?  I don't know.  Let me explain how it normally works in the US and Canada.

A breeder normally plans for a litter out of their best girl who meets the standard, has titles, passed all health clearances, and then is bred to a similar male.  The intentions are to keep a pup or two for themselves and friends to better their lines and provide them with a potential new pup to show and possibly breeding in the future.  When the pups are between 6-8 weeks old, the breeder will do an extensive evaluation on the litter of puppies (usually with help of other breeders and friends who have a judgmental eye), and they try to determine which pups appear structurally sound, have the correct coat, appear closest to standard, etc.  The best pups are held back, and the rest are sold as pets to puppy families.  Mind you there is nothing wrong with these puppies, but for showing purposes, perhaps their tailset appears to low, their ears too long, their eyes too light, their shoulders set too straight.  None of these things diminishes a pet puppy, but may make or break a show potential puppy when put in the ring as an adult.  

My questions to you are:  1) was this puppy sold to you as a show potential puppy from the breeder?  2) what what their evaluation of this pup? 3) can you even show the pup based on it's registration? (breeders in the USA sell the pups intended as family pets on an AKC Limited Registration which is a non-breeding status, and also disallows them from conformation shows) 4) are you working with the breeder in a mentor relationship?

If you just happened to purchase this pup as a pet, but have Full rights to the dog, yes, you can show it. But mind you the sport is rather disheartening with a dog that may not measure up, not to mention rather expensive.  If you do not have a relationship with the breeder of your dog, I would suggest you befriend another local breeder of labradors and work with them to evaluate if your pup has any potential as a show dog.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks a lot for your advise. I will definately follow those. Please find my answers as follows:
1. My Breeder told me verbally that it is a show quality puppy.
2. Unfortunately they don't do any evaluation here. (Pune, India).
3. Yes, It has Indian Kennel Club Registration (In Process).
4. The Breeder is good, but not very professional.

I am pretty happy with my puppy. Need some expert opinion about possibility of showing him in future. I am adding another picture from different angle.

7 1/2 weeks old Stacked Puppy
7 1/2 weeks old Stacke  
I have attached a photo showing the style that most breeders will use to evaluate their pups.

I also recommend that you visit a chat board like this:

There is a section for Conformation where there are some breeders/exhibitors that may be able to help.  But they will want to see photos in the style that I posted.