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Lab Puppy & Cat

20 9:47:35

I just acquired a female lab puppy 6 weeks ago. She is now 41/2 months and is very energetic. She is getting at least 90 minutes of exercise a day in two sessions. My concern is for my cat. I had an older dog when I got this cat and they got along fine. My puppy however just wants to chase the cat which is stressing him out. The cat has his own area blocked off from the puppy. How can I train the puppy to ignore the cat?
Thank you!

This is very difficult.  I am not sure if puppies regard cats as lunch or a litter mate to play with.  Either way, most cats aren't interested.  Continue to limit the puppies access to the cat and make sure the cat has safe retreats. Give the puppy a firm, but quiet ''No, leave it!'' every time it starts after the cat.  It may take hundreds of corrections, but eventually the puppy will give up.