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Adding chihuahua to home w/ 2 year old lab

20 9:47:35

today we are picking up the 10 week old chihuahua/american eskimo(I know, odd mix)we are adopting from neighbors. The lab "tyson" is of course male and was extremely easy to crate train-he loves his kennel. If he's tired or its storming he heads straight for it! We also keep a cedar bed in the bottom so he's more comfortable. He's well behaved, still has quite a bit of puppy energy in him, and our friends who have little dogs (pekinese/shitzu) he's very good with them getting on the ground to their level to play and letting them jump all over him. He's A LOT more aggressive with bigger dogs like him- but he seems to understand how to behave with little dogs.--
That being said, I wanted to know if you know any way to make this addition easy for him and the chihuahua which is female and seems very timid buy playful. He's been the "baby" for 2 years and other than making sure they both get attention, is there anything else we can do to make this transaction go smoothly?
Any info would be much appreciated!

Hello DJ and thank you for your questions,

Congrats on your new baby... odd mix but must be darling,

Whenever I add a new dog I make sure the new puppy has its own toys, its own crate, its own bed and its own food and water bowls and everything always goes smoothly. Just be sure they both get equal attention when the new baby comes home and don't pick favorites.... its hard I know I know, Be sure that tehre is no food stealing going on a little snap from the puppy might trigger the lab to attack it, Just take it easy and slow with them, the puppy will need tiem to adjust to its new home and family and the older dog will need time to et used to the new puppy being around and the changes that follow its arrival. I'm sure tey will be fine together but be careful the lab doesnt knock teh puppy over or walk on him(I had trbuel with my lab tripping over my jack russell terrier when he was small and now she is bowling over my boston terrier puppy lol... shes a big cluxe but loves any puppy I bring home she is alwso agressive with other larger dogs... shes them and goes mad when being walked).

I hope this helps if you need anymoreinformation feel free to ask.