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facial sore w/blood and puss and bumps

20 9:47:54

the other night i noticed a sore on my lab's cheek about the size of a quarter i cleaned the gooey blood/puss off and now he's making it worse because he can't lick it so he scratches it with his thumb-claw and licks the there's a smaller one below it, and he has a ton of insect bite size bumps on hishead and partly down his neck (those seem kinda like hives but that's a guess)are these two things related and how can i get him to stop picking at it?there's no change in our habits/food or anything like that, just the weather...

Sounds like he has scratched some insect bites raw.  He may need to be put in a ''lampshade'' collar until he heals.  I am not sure where you get those.  I am sure your vet knows.  Best idea is to see the vet before the weekend.  He may need antibiotics too.