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English Lab puppy

20 9:32:53

We are about to get a female lab puppy from a reputable breeder but would have a very difficult time crate training--our other dog (8 yr old Boston Terrier) goes crazy if he sees another animal in a 'cage.'  

Do you have another suggestion for what to do with the puppy while we are out?

Thank you!

Remember if you are getting a dog from a reputable breeder they are supposed to be there for you for ALL your questions.  Even about crating.  While internet advice boards are helpful, nothing beats the hands on attention and help your breeder should be able to give you throughout the life of the dog you purchase from them.  If you do not feel comfortable asking them questions, they are probably not the right breeder for you.  

In regards to crating, I would crate the dog in a room with a closed door so that your temperamental Boston Terrier doesn't get upset.  Crating is invaluable when raising a puppy, especially a lab puppy that will get into the habit of chewing when it's not supervised or crated.