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lab puppy chewing

20 9:32:36

I have a 7 month old lab puppy. She chews EVERYTHING. she has 117 acres of farmland to run on. she chewed up  sets of Xmas lights. she chews up everything. I know she gets enough exercise. any suggestions.

Some young Labs are much worse than others about chewing.  The only solution is to limit access to things they shouldn't chew.  I had to armor the service to our air conditioner's outside condenser.  If you are allowing her to run loose on the farm land, she may chew anything she finds.  This includes any electric wires, which can be fatal.  Nothing you turn your back on is safe.  

If left alone inside, you need to crate her.  If that is the problem and you need help, send a follow up.  

The 6 month old we have now is a very easy puppy.  I frequently leave her loose in the house while I am outside or in the garage.  She hasn't chewed much for several months unless it was left on the floor.  It is not because I have done so much better job training her, just the way she is.  Such puppies mislead people into thinking anybody can train their puppy to be the same way.  The internet is full of egotistical fools explaining all you need to do is properly train your dog.  They are short on details of how to do it.  

Lower quality professionals insist exercise is the key, a 3 hour walk every day.  Of course, nobody has time for that, so they aren't proven wrong.  Do you have squirrels, rabbits, etc?  I am sure your dog is getting much more exercise than that.  More chew toys aren't the answer either.  We have Nylabone and Kongs all over and that hasn't stopped many of our puppies from chewing other things.  

Once she is a little older, she may do better.  I was once given a 15 month old male Lab.  He was terrible.  I passed him on to a dog guide school.  After he completed his training, he wasn't placed for a while.  I think they ware just waiting for him to grow out of his chewing.  

I am sorry I don't have a solution, but I am doubtful anyone else does other.