Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Labrador Retrievers > Diet


20 9:38:02


Lucy and her toy
My yellow lab is about 1 year old and I feed her Science Diet.  The manufacturer says she should have 5 1/2 cups of dry food per day which I think is too much as she appears to be a little heavy.  Would 3 cups per day be enough for her?

I am very glad you are concerned about her weight.  Many dogs live shorter lives because of being over weight due to excessively high recommendations on the dog chow bags.  I agree that 3 cups should closer to what she needs.  

Your dog definitely should be narrower at the waist than the hips and chest. You should be able to easily feel the ribs, but not see them. Each dog is different. Standard recommendations are a good place to start, but each dog must have its food and exercise adjusted to its individual needs. Here is a link to a good illustrated guide,

As long as she is doing fine on the Science, stick to it.  You may hear all sorts of bad things about it and other common chows.  It is all speculation and marketing hype from those selling more expensive chows.