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rushes home

20 9:47:55

My seven year old black-lab has for the past month not wanted to take our x2 daily leisure walk. She runs out, urinates, and then pulls toward home. When I  try to encourage her to keep walking (treats,begging etc) the harder she pulls back home. She use to enjoy these walks, and nothing traumatic (at least according to my untrained eyes)has happened.

We have a nine-year old chocolate lab who doesn't share her walking issues.

Inside our apartment she is the same food-loving, playful, if a little too attentive, pup as always.

I don't know if this is relevant, but she was trained to be a guide dog, but was considered to jumpy for the job. Please help!

Has it been unusually hot the last month?  Try wetting her down to keep her cool.  Many Labs would enjoy a chance to take a dip before the walk in hot weather.  You could also use a hose or a spray bottle.

In case it was some sort of a trauma, you might try going in to opposite direction or even drive to a park.   

I can assure you dogs raised to be dog guides are expected to go out in any kind of weather.