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Lack of Bladder control

20 9:39:26

Our Lab mix is 18 months old and has a hard time with controlling his bladder upon the arrival of guests in our house.  This lack of control happens even after we have just taken him outside upon the arrival of guests.  He gets around the guests and cannot seem to control his urine.  What can I do to help him get it under control?

Hi Carrie,

Is your Lab a female or a male? Females generally have trouble containing their urine when they are excited - its something you will learn to live with.

However, your pet is now 18 months old. I suspect you do not have a trainer for your dog or have not trained it yourself.

Even though your dog is a little older in age to undergo proper training, here is something that you can try out:

Whenever guests come to your house, take your dog outside. And KEEP HIM THERE. Don't bring him back immediately. I suggest take him for a walk - at least a few hundred meters. Dogs don't pee in one go like us. For them it's like marking a territory. They will pee in breaks. So till his bladder is not empty - make him walk.

Whenever he pees around your guests, DON'T BEAT HIM. Bring him close to the pee - make him smell it and say in a sharp tone "NO". Then tap him lightly on his nose as if you were scolding him. I have never trained a 18 month old dog - but if he's smart, he'll soon realize that peeing when guests arrive is bad manners.

The bottom line is be patient and brave. Your dog does not understand your language or your thoughts - give him time and he'll begin to understand.

All the best, tell me how it goes.
