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lab..licking sores and smell

20 9:39:55

Hi I have a 5 year old lab.  he has dry skin and allergies he has been known to lick at his front legs until they get sores on them.  The vet normally gives him medicine (looks like neosporen). This time he also has a very strong, and very bad smell coming from his "cheek area" under his ear and besides his mouth.  I've cleaned his ears, brushed his teeth and given him a bath, the next day the smell is back.  This same area (where he can't reach to lick) is red and irritated. I haven't taken him to the vet yet.  We have an appointment in a few days, but wondering what could be wrong.

Are you sure the smell isn't coming from the ear itself?   Ears can have infections deep inside and smell terrible.  If so, you will need antibiotics from the vet.  

What the vet is treating the sores with could be Neosporin.  You could go ahead and apply it or a competitive brand yourself.