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Lab odd behaviour

20 9:48:19

Hi all,

My year old lab has been acting a little funny the last 2 days. He will not eat his food right away. We feed him twice a day (morning and evening). He will just look at us when we tell him to go eat. He then goes up to his bowl and will sniff it. I have been putting a few pieces in my hand and he will eat them from my hand. He will eventually eat his food. This morning i moved the bowl closer to him and he jumped back like there was something wrong with his bowl. He seems fine, no changes in behaviour, and he plays just the same. What could this be? I know any changes in regards to food should be checked by a vet. I will be taking him if this continues. But for now since he is still eating what could be the problem? Let me also add that he does not get any table scraps. We have given him boiled chicken mixed with his food, though very rarely (maybe 4 times in the past year). TIA

Hello, And thank you for your question... but I am only One not all lol.

My friends golden ret/labrador ret cross does this all the tiem she is healthy and 2 years old she gets lots of bones/rawhides thou and will just go on strike if she doesnt get what she wants, he is mixing two or three types of food right now just  to get her to eat... she is very picky for the last 6 months. My l;abrador doesnt do this I mind you she doe not eat the food as soon as I put it down as my pups are normaly free fed unless they are getting a bit of soft food with it then they eat it right away but if You try adding bits of soft foods or bits of treats remember labradors tend to put on weight easily(mine does.. shes on light hard food and gets only low fat treats and low fat soft foods). If he doesnt begin eating within another day or so I would take him for a vet check.

Thanks, Tara.