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Female Black Lab Skin issue

20 9:48:18

i just got a black lab puppy. she is about 3 months old, Everything is great, excpet last week i noticed a flea crawling on my floor tile where she was laying. i immidiatly got a flea collar and flea shampoo, bathed her twice in a row and placed the collar on her. i cont. to bath her 3 times a wekk and i shampoo her twice in a row. but i have recently seen that she has little scabs from scratching herself in areas where the skin is semi-hairless and dry. these scabs are on her head, behind all her legs and behind her ears. i am new lab owner and i am very concerned, she is great w/ my kids and i dont want to giver her up. should i take her to a vet or what can i do so that this skin issue can be resolved?

oh by the way i also have a 2nd black lab wich is her brother, he does not have any of these symptoms.

There are much better answers to fleas now than baths and flea collars.  My 12 year old Aster developed a flea allergy before the good stuff was in wide use.  She never wore a flea collar, and hasn't had a bath in over 2 1/2 years.  She gets 2 mls of Revolution between her shoulders once a month.  No fleas at all the last 2 years.  

Revolution works great, but is expensive.  If you want to, you can start with some of the over the counter creams.  They make a mess of Aster's coat, but seem to work well with some dogs.  There is any number of effective products, Frontier, Advantage, Contact, Bio spot, etc.  Go to wal-Mart or talk to your vet, whatever you are comfortable with.  Just knock off the baths.  Brush at least weekly with a soft bristle brush.  In shedding season, you need to switch to a wire slicker brush.  Puppies don't shed much, but adult Labs do.  

Interesting one is having more of a problem than the other.  Are you bathing him too?