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8 month old lab getting even?

20 9:48:30

We adopted my parents lab puppy. She has been fixed, house trained, sits, stays, comes sometimes.
Knows to go to her kennel. We solved the digging by putting her poo in the holes she dug and covering them up. Now she is getting in the garbage... not so much for food but just stuff to destroy. The worst problem is destroying my stuff. I am with her all the time (disabled so I do not leave the house much at all) In the past 2 weeks Cookie has chewed up my hairbrush that was on the bathroom counter also my nail brush. My work gloves that were in a basket on the patio table. 3 small pots of plants I am rooting,also on the patio table in a bucket. Cookie is going out of the way to destroy things that mean stuff to me.


I think dogs, perhaps even more so Labs, enjoy destroying things just to have them come apart.  Put 2 dogs in a room with a bunch of toys, and they will pick one and fight over it.  (Kids too?)  So yes, she may be deliberately picking things out you use.  There is also the idea they have your scent on them.  The one Lab we had, I couldn't turn my back on my tools for a minute without her dragging them off and chewing them.  I had to armor the air conditioner lines.

The only solution is to crate her when you can't keep an eye on her.  Use door or gates to keep her in the same room as you.  Try a short length of chain fastened to the computer desk or other places you spend time.  

A mousetrap is very effective in making a dog leave something alone.  Most
dogs will stay away from anywhere they were surprised by a snap.  The best
part is that it is not you that is correcting the dog.  It works whether you
are around or not.  The mousetrap is very patient and is always on task as
long as you reset it.

You can buy Bitter Apple as a spray or cream at the pet store and put it on some things.  

Damaged possessions are the fault of whoever was watching the puppy.  When you are watching it, immediately correct it as soon as it goes for anything except its own toys.  In a quiet, but firm voice ''Bad dog, its name drop!''.  Hold eye contact until the puppy drops it and then replace it with one of her toys.

Much of this will go easier if you have obedience trained her.  You must be top dog.  You can learn to play the role of top dog by reading some books or going to a good obedience class. A good obedience class or book is about you being top dog, not about rewarding standard commands with a treat. Start at

Our Peggy was a good dog.  She would always dump the plant and dirt out on the living room rug before chewing up the plastic pot.