Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Labrador Retrievers > Size of 8 month old female lab.

Size of 8 month old female lab.

20 9:38:59

My 8 Month old female lab (pure bred) does not seem to be growing.  I'm not sure what height she should be by now, but by the look of it, she seems to be quite small for her age.  She is well built in general and very healthy.

Could you give an indication of the height she should be reaching by now.  I know all dogs are different, but i'm hoping to get an indication or perhaps photos of other 8 month old labrador females.

Thanking you.



At 8 months, she will have most of her adult height.  Most dogs' growth slows after 6 months.  The breed standard calls for 21 1/2''-22 1/2'' at the shoulder, but many dogs fall outside that range.  
