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Labrador on Heat

20 9:47:59


Wonder if you can help.  I have a chocolate lab puppy who is now 9 months old, she had her first heat when she was 6 months.  Since then her nipples and teats have remained swollen, especially the ones on her lower stomach.  I am 100% sure she is not pregnant, and wonder if you can advise how to reduce the size of her nipples.  The breeder I got her from mentioned something about milk of magnesia or similar to reduce them but not sure how safe this would be for her.  She gets a walk of 6miles per day and is not overfed or overweight.  Any advice gratefully received.

Many thanks


Hello Janine and thank you for your question.

When my Black Labrador Retriever was nearing her second heat cycle(wasnt planning to breed her but spay surgery was too expensive for me at that time) her nipples got extremly swollen & hard and the teat area around them (the last few rows towards her rear end), I took her in and they said that if she wasnt spayed it could turn to cancer as what it was were the beggining stages of tumars or something like that because if a dog isnt spayed and isnt bred the chances of cancer/tumars of the reperductive orgens increses to 52% after the second cycle so I had her spayed shortly there after. I would take her to your locle vet as soon as you can and let them have a look at her and see if its possibly the same thing my dog had.

I hope this is of some help to you other then what happened to my Lab thou I don't know what it could be and like I said taking her to a vet to check it out is a good idea before anything worse happens, Good luck with your little girl they are just adorible at that age.