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Exercise and pregnancy with my black lab

20 9:47:59

I realized she can't hunt while she has weaned her puppies, which should be just in time for the Oct. hunting season. Yeah!!!

Right now, her exercise is running in the yard and chasing her toys.  She has never been "walked" on a leash, she usually just runs in open fields.  What do you suggest now?  Should we try and start walking her?  What about playing with other dogs while pregnant?  She does have a lab sister that likes to play rough sometimes.  It's going to be hard to keep them separated!!!

Thanks for your help,


Followup To

Question -
How much exercise is too much for a pregnant lab?  We are getting ready to breed her.  She is very active(a trained hunting dog).  I've read that during the first few weeks of the gestation period she is fine.  But, should I limit her activity the closer she gets to her "due date"?  Would love to hear a response.  Maybe I'm worrying too much - I'm a first timer at this.

Thanks for your time,


Answer -
Hello Brooke and thank you for your questions,

I acctually read a few days ago when fine tuning my breeding information that its best to give shorter walks, Stop agility and things that are too energy related. I would stop her hunting until after the pups are weaned and gone unless of course she is just accomping you and not running all the time. too much activity in the first of the pregnancy in my opinon could cause lose of the fetus's(miscarriage). Later in pregnancy she will be very heavy and not move around as much as before anyway but still short walks are best and no rujnning or jumping as it could cause an early birth(premature babies). I hope this helps, Good luck with your little girl and have fun with all the little ones later one puppies are such fun.

If there is anything I can help you with please feel free to ask again,

Hello again Brooke,

Well that works out just right doesnt it lol, she can go hunting this year after all!

Running free in a feild would be ok while but I wolud aviod taking her where too many other dogs visit you wouldnt want her to come in contact with parrisites or viruses while pregnant as you can't vaccinate a pregnant dog and flea/tick products are a big no no sometiems worming a pregnant dog can't be done either not unless a low dose wormer for pregnant dogs is given. I know just nwhat yu mean how keeping them aprat would be difficult my dogs are monsters at times tumbling/wreasling all the time(and to think my jack russell ussally wins the wars against my lab lol). But playing with her sister will be ok just don't allow her to play with strange dogs during her pregnancy because of health risks. After she starts to put on "baby weight" she wont want to play as much or as offen anyway so everything should be fine but for the first few weeks maybe avoiding letting them really get into there wreaslinng matches(the first 2 weeks would be best avioding this sort of play). If you don't know of a place without tons of dogs running though it for her runs a daily walk around the block or two blocks should be fine as thats what my lab and other dog get everyday. Also be sure she gets lots of extra fat and protines during her pregnanay some types of puppy food say they can be fed to  pregnant bitches so if you can find a puppy food like that I reccomend feeding it to her daily either mixed with her old food or just by itself(be sure her sister doesnt get the puppy food or she'll get over weight in a heartbeat... you know how labs are lol). We were told to feed chicken brooth or chicken noodle soup to our pregnant bichon/shit-tuz a few years back and we did, she liked it and she and puppies were very healthy(we only offered about a half can every week thou nothing extensive).

I hope this helps if not you know the drill I will get back to you as soon as I can if you need anything else. Have fun with your dogs and pups.