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lab pain symptoms

20 9:48:25

Our chocolate lab is 16 years old. Wags her tail, has always been a happy dog. At night she will whine or bark to wake us up and I cover her up because she is shivering. We want her to die "naturally" and not put her to sleep, but we certainly do not want her suffering. How do I know if she is in pain? We have had to put others to sleep in their old age and my husband doesn't want to do this to Molly.
Thanks for having this service,
Christie Maranto

A reluctance to move may mean pain.  Sometimes they have a look in their eyes I think is ''Why are you letting me hurt?''.  A slow, still walk likely means pain.  You could try giving a buffered aspirin, 5 mg per pound of weight.  If she seems batter, it means she was in pain.  Never give any other over the counter pain killer.  

Your vet could prescribe better pain relievers.