Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Labrador Retrievers > 8 year old chocolate lab heavy snoring

8 year old chocolate lab heavy snoring

20 9:32:21

I have an 8 year old chocolate lab who over the last six months has been increasingly snoring - sometimes very loudly.  Sometimes - not all the time - even when he is just laying down and not asleep he is kind of wheezing.  Is this something normal or should I take him to the vet?

It's a good rule of thumb that any time a dog starts doing some new like that, a vet visit would be a good idea.  Also, since you have an 8 year old Senior, have you ever done bloodwork on the dog?  If not, ask the vet to do a full blood panel, which will check all the organ functions.  This way you can head off any problems before they happen.