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6 month choc lab

20 9:39:03

I have a 6 month old male choc lab. he is a great puppy.  couple concerns.  He has several (30+) white hairs on his back. not in one specific place but all over his back. second,  he does not bark or make any type of noise, no barking, howling..nothing at all. sometimes when he is sleeping he will  sorta bark, like he is having bad dreams or something?!  thank you in advance!

I currently have a 10 month old exception, but many Labs don't bark much.  I have had ones that were lucky they didn't freeze to death when I forget to let them in and they never barked.  

The white hairs could be a problem if you plan to show him.  I don't know breed standards well enough to say, but otherwise shouldn't be a problem.  Some purebred Labs do have a little white or even chocolate markings.