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pink rim around eye

20 9:35:45


his eye
i have a pure yellow lab and he's 3 yrs old i think... Lately he's been scratching at his eye and my family and i thought it was just allergies, that was 3 days ago, he looks to be in pain all the time and always tries to itch it and it looks to be raw and its a complete ring (along his eyelids). I have no way of getting him to the vet until tomorrow can you suggest anything i can do for him... :( any help is greatly appreciated

You can rinse the eye with a sterile saline solution.  That's about the only option tonight.  

One thing you might want to consider for the future, just to have in your doggy first aid kit going forward:

This is a good eye antibiotic ointment that you could have used had you had it.  I keep it on hand at all times, just in case.  

You might also want to see about putting a cone around his neck to keep him from scratching his eyes.  I don't know if you will find a dog store open though.

Good Luck!