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Agression towards family dog

20 9:34:17

My daughter purchased a lab puppy 15 mos ago, he has been mostly raised with my 3 yr old Weim.  She takes him back and forth to her med school 2 hrs away.  Both dogs are males and are not castrated.  For the last 2 mos the lab as become increasingly aggressive towards the Weim with it escalating over Xmas to stalking and attacking leaving puncture wounds on the neck of my Weim.  This New Years weekend we are having to leash the lab in the house with us to prevent more attacks.  They used to be best friends, play and run in the backyard together.  Please help.  

Unfortunately this kind of behavior cannot be helped with online advice.  My advice is to find a trainer in your area for BOTH dogs who has experience with dog behavior.  This means someone other than who does training at Petsmart.  They will work with you and your family, as well as the dogs to fix the problem.  Also, sometimes 2 intact dogs that don't live with each other CAN have problems with one another.  Each is most likely the dominant dog in the household, and when put together, no one in the family is acting like the leader, so the dogs are fighting each other to be the leader of the pack.  

Is there any reason why the dogs are not fixed?  By this age, both should be neutered.