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training / diet

20 9:46:44

Hello my name is Jeni I just got a black lab a couple days ago and I was wondering when to move on after my dog has learned his command. Also when is a good time to feed my puppy I recently read that you are supposed to feed them two times a day but how many hours in between the feeding should you wait?

thank you

Hello Jeni and thank you for your questions.

Depending on how old your lab puppy counts to how many times to feed him. A 8-10 week old puppy should eat three times daily, once just after waking in the morning, once in the after noon and once in the evening a few hours before bedtime(2 hours before bedtime is perfect). A young puppy needs lots of training, you'll need to stick to one command all along repeting after another or before another command such as if he klearned to sit and you qwant to move onto laydown or stay ask the dog to sit then laydown or sit and stay....kkep reminding the dog of his training all his life....don't teach him to sit on week and then never have him sit for no aperant reason again....then when you ask him to he may have forgotten.

have fun with your new puppy.