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introducing puppy to sailboat

20 9:48:20

We are getting a lab puppy in a couple weeks at age 8 weeks. We have a small sailboat on a lake that we would like to introduce the puppy to this summer. Can you tell me what age is best for this activity and how to best introduce her to it? I assume we should make sure she's comfortable in the water and can swim first. We will put her in a row boat or raft to row out to the sailboat. On a related subject, if we only go out sailing short distances and when the weather is good, should we get a life preserver for our dog?
Many thanks for your help!

Hello Craig and thank you for your questions,

I have never went sailing... let alone with a dog so I am not sure how to do this I can reccomend however that you take it very slow a young puppy will problay be scared of the water rather then trying to play in it ect. As for the life perserver yes get one, THink about the peace of mind it offers... even thou you only go a little ways away and in good weather you have a life perserver dont you? Offering treats and petting the pup  and keeping him on leash for a while would help just incase he decides to go swiming and be the brave one lol, Good luck labs are a ton of fun,.