Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Labrador Retrievers > ...random question, not entirely important

...random question, not entirely important

20 9:32:03

See, I've heard about "wooly" Labradors  and mosaic Labradors . Has there ever been a wooly mosaic Labrador? Is it even possible? I know it is REALLY RARE to get a mosaic, but is it possible to get a Labrador with long hair and a mosaic pattern? See? Told you it wasn't important:) I'd just like to know.

Sure, it's possible genetically, but reputable breeders try not reproduce those traits.  So if a bitch produces a long haired lab or a brindle or a mosaic, the bitch is typically removed from the breeding program.  If it is unclear if the genes came from dam or sire, they may let the dam have one more litter just to see.