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Labrador puppy in a small apartment with a 1 year old baby

20 9:32:03

I plan to get a labrador puppy for our family. We are husband and wife with a 1 year old son. Both of us are working in Mumbai (India). We have domestic help 24X7 who have agreed to take good care of the puppy as well. My only worry is that my house is a 1000sqft apartment and on the top floor. I also have a year old son. Do you think getting a labrador will be practical in such circumstances?

The one problem I would see is getting the puppy outside fast enough while you are housebreaking it.  Normally I discourage the use of pads or newspaper, but it may be your best choice.  Also, you may be able to train it to use a balcony.  

A child and a puppy can be a handful, but with domestic help, it should work.