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black lab mix- 4 mos. old

20 9:46:50

I want to know how big my black lab mix will get (don't know what she's mixed with). She was born on June 21 and so is 4 months. She weighs 30 lbs now. When will she stop growing and how much do you think she'll weigh at full growth? It's a female and I will NOT be mating her. When should I get her spayed? I don't want to go thru heat!!

Hello, She will be full grown at 12 months of age. Have her spayed next month before her first cycle or you will have blood and goo everywhere and if she gets out of your yard mutt puppies to find forever homes for which is extremly hard when tehre large mixed breeds! You can have her spatyed right now or next month the first cycle will likely be at 6/7 months.