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Two Dogs

20 9:45:17

Recently, my fiance and I received a Chocolate Lab and her sister purchased one of his liter-mates, both 15 week old non neutered males.  We are planning on Neutering them at 6 months.    
The two dogs live at separate houses however spend a lot of time together, we live about 2 blocks away from each other.  Whenever they see each other, they play very rough.  There is never any blood or anything like that and if it gets a little too aggressive, one of us always separates them and puts both on their backs.  
My question is that we are going away on vacation together with the dogs in about a month.  Is there anything we can do to get them to play a little "nicer".  I don't know if I can deal with them like this for an entire week!

Hello, There shouldnt be any real fighting between two young puppies, It sounds like they are just playing like labs...loud and rough. Labs like to grab the other dogs neck grumble grab the other dogs collar and bolt and this can go on for the better part of the day until they are pooped out and ready for a nap. Getting them fixed will pervent any real fighting between them.