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Young pup drinks too much

20 9:38:29


Hi, I'm Roxy & I have
I recently adopted a yellow lab/German shepherd mix; lab is the predominate breed trait.  Do to the situation, I received this puppy at 6.5 week old.  She was very bony, had a poor appetite--less than 5-lbs.  With a trip to the vet, she was thin, but healthy and happy.  She's been wormed several times and has her 1st set of shots.

A couple of days later, I did call the vet concerned about the unusual amount of water she consumes on a daily basis--24 oz.  Yet she will only ate 1/2 - 3/4 cup of high qualify puppy food.  The vet believed the behavior was a result of the being born at the shelter and trauma of wenning.  He told me to continue to allow her to consume what she wants in 3 daily meals--let her eat/drink then take everything away until the next scheduled meal.

Here we are at 9 weeks--same behavior is dominating and her water consumption, but it has grown to over 32 oz and food consumption has only increased a small amount.  

I have experience with this exact lab mix, but it's been over 12 years ago that I raised a pup and I don't remember her being obsessed over water.  

Needless to say, I am very concerned about her health and looking for a new vet, but I am also wondering if this is a lab pup trait?  Do you think this could be the precursor signs to diabetes?  (My vet didn't)

I think some puppies need to go through a learning process to regulate their drinking.  It is hard to say just how much water is enough.  I would try letting her drink her fill at each meal, and then take the water up until the next meal.  Pinch up her skin everyday.  If it stays up rather than immediately smoothing out, she is dehydrated, let her have water more often.  

How does she look?  The light eating is definately a
Shepherd thing.  Most Labs eat like the rule was take the food up after 15 seconds.  Evaluate the dog as illustrated in this link, You may want the vet to confirm your judgment. Adjust the dogs food and exercise as needed to reach its ideal body condition. Some German Shepherds and other breeds may refuse to eat enough to completely hid their ribs. As long as you are feeding a concentrated, meat based chow, the best thing is to accept it.

I don't have much problem with what your vet is doing.  If he was over reacting to the food issue and wanting you to bribe her with rich food, I would suggest a different vet.  

Thank you for adopting a mix.  I hate to think of all the dogs that die for lack of homes.  Count on my help with any other questions you have.