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8 wk lab - limping

20 9:38:21

Took the pup out for a walk this morning and his foot got caught under the closing door. Not in the door but rather under the door as it closed.  

Needless to say he whelped and cried for a minute.  I picked him up and when I put him down he did his business and came for short walk.  When I brought him in I noticed he was limping.  Upon examination it's clear that his outside toe (the little one) is clearly sore when touched.

I don't want to overreact and take him to the vet only to leave with a huge bill and fracture or strain diagnosis and no real solution.

The question:  Is there anything I can give him for the pain or can I apply some heat or cold to help?


Should I take him in now or wait a day and see if it improves? Is there even an effective treatment if his outside toe is fractured?

This is a tough call.  I don't think it will make things worse to wait until Monday.  You might try first flexing his other foot, and then the sore one.  If the sore one seems to bend where the other doesn't, you may as well get him to the vet today.  I am sure you have hurt your own foot at times and it got better itself.  If he still is limping Monday, definitely call the vet. I will say I have tramped on my puppies paws, shut them in doors, and other things and never had to have the vet fix one.  I wonder if the arthritis in my 15 year old Aster's right front foot relates to stepping on it as a puppy.  She did limp on that leg for a long time as a puppy.  The vet said it was a tendon problem in her shoulder.