Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Labrador Retrievers > Crate question

Crate question

20 9:39:22

Hello, I just read your reply to Kyle's question about whether or not the lab can be kept in the crate for 8 hours. You said yes, but make sure the crate is extra large for comfort purposes.  I read that the crates are not supposed to be TOO big as then they tend to eliminate in their crates.  Can you please clarify this?  Thanks so much, Michele

Hi Michele,

I'm afraid I'm NOT the one who answered Kyle's question about Crates. However, I assume you want to know if Labs can be kept in Crates or not - so I'll take the liberty of giving you a few tips.

If you are traveling with your dog - you might want to sedate him. Trust you VET to do this and NO ONE ELSE. Tranquilizers or sedatives can be fatal for your dog if not administered in correct measure.

Putting your dog in a crate is not the best idea. Don't go by the movies where they show sweet dogs being carried in cages. Dogs hate confined spaces and will be very hurt in a cage.

Having said that crates are bad - you CAN place your dog in a crate if he is sedated. And that's the safest way of transporting your pet. Try not to expose him to heat or humidity - it will make him perspire and while sedated keep his tongue out of his mouth (your vet will be able to do this).
